Course curriculum

    1. Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

    2. Welcome to the Musicians' Yoga Essentials

    3. How to Approach This Course

    4. Cultivate a Personal Yoga Practice

    5. Navigate the Sensations in a Yoga Class

    6. What You Will Need

    1. Wrist Saver

    2. Shoulder Saver

    1. Move Your Lungs

    2. Wake-up Your Diphragm

    3. Belly Breathing Hack

    4. Change Your Breathing, Change Your Life

    5. Maximise Your Fuel

    1. Release Your Neck

    2. Free The Shoulders

    3. Twist It Out

    4. Balance Out Your Shoulders

    5. Open Out Your Upper Back

    6. Give Your Shoulders a Break

    7. Build Shoulder Stability

    8. Make Your Core Responsive

    9. Jaw Pain Relief

    10. Lower Back Pain Relief

    11. Why Things Hurt

    12. Wake-Up Your Bum

    13. Don't Use It, You Lose It

    1. Find Calm

    2. Learn to Manage (Performance) Anxiety

    3. (Performance) Anxiety Game Plan

    4. Rest and Recharge

    5. Get More Out of Your Practice

    6. Foster Resiliance

    7. The Biggest Cause of Performance Anxiety

    8. Self-Compassion Meditation

    9. Meditation Tips

    1. Lower Back Saver - Floor Version

    2. Lower Back Saver - Chair Version

    3. Pre-Perfomance Grounding

    4. Post Concert Wind Down

    5. Closed Focus Meditation

    6. Open Focus Meditation

    7. Shaking

    8. Physiological Sigh

    9. Box Breathing

    10. References

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Calm. Ease. Resilience.